• Moved to the second studio, located at Hoseinee House, 69 Wyndham Street
  • Re-launched 'QuiYing ShiKan' 秋螢詩刊, published in poster format, 17 x 11 inch, front and back. Poster Chapter published from June 1978 to June 1979, issue 18 to 24. Starting from issue 20, size changed to 20 x 14 inch, Li Kam Fai handled graphic design (began issue 19). Every issue, an visual artist was invited, with visual work to juxtapose with the poems. In January 1986, QuiYing ShiKan was re-launched again, published in a postcard format.
QuiYing ShiKan 秋螢詩刊, issue 18, June 1978